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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 84 of 234 (35%)
themselves upon her.

To remain in the house of the man she so despised and whose proffered
vows of love she had so indignantly rejected, was impossible.

Of the malady which was the cause of her uncle's sudden death, she knew
nothing. He had never hinted of its existence, therefore she was totally
unprepared and inexpressibly shocked at the suddenness with which he had
been struck down, and it was some time before she could sufficiently
subdue her agitated feelings to enable her to give any instructions to
the household, who, like herself, had been almost stupefied by the

But not so with Mrs. Fraudhurst; that cold, unfeeling woman cared only
for the safety of her own position, and had already arranged what she
should do. At her suggestion, no changes were made in the establishment.
Every servant was retained, and the business of the estate still left in
the hands of Mr. Russell, the former agent, and matters soon resumed
their usual routine, as though the late proprietor was merely absent on
a visit.

Notwithstanding the precautions taken in order to prevent suspicion from
gaining ground that there had been any complicity between Sir Ralph and
the widow, which might account for the absence of any legal document
making a suitable provision for that niece to whom Sir Jasper was so
sincerely attached, there were many who could not divest themselves of
the idea that there had been foul play practiced in some way, but as
there was nothing tangible to go upon they were compelled to confine
their suspicions within their own breasts, and show their sympathy for
Miss Effingham by letters of condolence and offers of friendship and
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