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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 89 of 234 (38%)
they wandered together down the pomegranate and orange groves in the
cool of the evening, or pacing the broad, open verandah beneath the star
lit sky.

"I think, Carlton, you must be in high feather with the Colonel, or your
lucky star is in the ascendant," said Captain Hastings to our young
hero, a few days after his return from Calcutta, as they rode home from
stables together.

"How so? What is in the mind now?" enquired Arthur, as he reined his
horse nearer to that of his companion.

"Why, there is another row among those fellows in Bundlecund, and a
squadron of our regiment has been ordered out. My troop and yours have
been selected for the business, and as your Captain is in Europe and the
other two troop commanders absent from headquarters, you are to have
charge on, this occasion. I command the squadron, so they may look out
for hard knocks if we get a chance at them. I will teach the blackguards
a lesson they will not forget for some time. They will find no
philanthropy or mistaken clemency about me, and to tell you the truth, I
would rather have you for my second in command than either Dalzell or

"Many thanks for your good opinion; and depend upon it I shall not be
backward in proving its correctness, should an opportunity offer,"
responded Arthur, as they entered the mess room.

The affair in Bundlecund proved a more obstinate contest than had been
at first expected, and lasted for a considerable time. But the coolness
and determination of the light Dragoons were too much for them,
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