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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 93 of 234 (39%)
opinion of you," remarked Mrs. Cotterell with a quiet smile. "Do you
remember to have met him anywhere but in London?" she asked, after a few
moments' pause.

Tom shook his head and replied, "I think not, but perhaps I may have
seen him somewhere. I meet all sorts of people."

"Well, well, your sister Julia is coming up to town some evening next
week, and she is such a clever girl, perhaps she can enlighten you on
the subject."

Tom stared at his aunt for a moment, then the mist began to clear away.
It now struck him that he had never met the Doctor in Harley Street
except during the time that his sister was on a visit there, and it also
occurred to him now, that on his last flying visit to Devonshire he had
met a gentleman much resembling Doctor Ashburnham, riding with Julia in
one of the green lanes in Vellenaux. It was all dear enough now, it was
Julia's lover who had given him so much concern of late, and this fact
removed a great load from Tom's heart. On this discovery his face
brightened up. "But, my dear aunt, is there really anything in it."

"Anything in what?" enquired the good lady, looking up from her
knitting, somewhat amused at the manner in which her nephew had put the

"Why, I mean, is there any love affair, engagement or that sort of thing
between Julia and the Doctor?"

"Well, Tom, all I can say is, that Doctor Ashburnham seldom calls here
except during the time your sister is in London, or occasionally pays
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