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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 103 of 258 (39%)
a big jump in her estimation, when he saved that child. It was a brave
act. I don't want to say a word to the contrary, and the lad has grit,
more than I ever dreamed of; but I want Lady Ruth, by Jove, more than I
ever wanted anything in all my life, and as I've said before, when a
British soldier fails to succeed one way, he will another."

Thinking thus, Sir Lionel cudgels his brains during the day, in order to
invent some _coup de grace_ by means of which he may cleverly regain his
lost prestige.

When a man allows his passions to get the better of his judgment
and sense of fair play, he is really but a single step from being a
scoundrel, and although Sir Lionel would have vehemently scouted the
suspicion of his doing anything to sully his fair name, he nevertheless,
in his desperation at being worsted in a love affair by a mere boy, goes
about some things that are hardly fair.

It has been decided that the little party shall go aboard after supper,
by the light of the young moon, which will be nearly overhead.

Two boats have been engaged to wait for them at the quay.

It is at this time Sir Lionel hopes to make his point, and to accomplish
it he does not hesitate to descend to a low plane, and even imperil
human life.

When they reach the quay a breeze is blowing, but not strong enough to
cause any uneasiness.

The party place their luggage in one boat.
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