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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 119 of 258 (46%)
to sleep. Tired nature will assert her power, even under the most
discouraging conditions.

During the night the storm abates.

John Craig is awake early, and can tell that all is well from the easy
motion of the steamer, for her plunges are few and of small moment. A
silence broods over the scene; the tired passengers have gone to sleep;
all John can hear as he lies there is the dull throb of the engines and
the swish of water against the side of the vessel.




The sunset gun is just booming over the African hills as the steamer
drops anchor off the wonderful city where the French have gained a
foothold and seem determined to stay.

John Craig is in a fever to go ashore. He has had news that from Malta
his mother went to Algiers on a mission, and his one object in life is
to follow her until the time comes when he can see face to face the
woman to whom he owes his being, toward whom his heart goes out, and
whom he believes to have been dreadfully wronged.
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