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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 122 of 258 (47%)
He reaches the hotel, and at once engages a room. Supper is ready, and
he sits down to a meal one can hardly procure outside of Paris itself,
and served in French style.

If any one were watching John, his nervousness would be perceptible.

From the table he seeks the office of the hotel.

"What can I do for monsieur?" asks the polite attendant, seeing him
standing there expectantly.

"I desire to procure a guide."


"Now--at once."

The clerk looks at him curiously. He cannot understand what such
impetuosity means.

He realizes that he is dealing with one who is different from the usual
run of travelers.

"Monsieur does not, perhaps, know the danger involved in the night;
foreigners do not often invade the old town after dark."

"Pardon me, my business is very important. Can you procure me a reliable
guide, one who speaks English?"

"It can be done. First, I would recommend that you seal up your watch
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