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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 138 of 258 (53%)

Finally, as the hour grows apace, John thinks it time for him to be

Where is his courier, the faithful Mustapha Cadi, all this while?

As he mentions him, the sheik claps his hands and the guide appears. He
enters into a brief conversation with Ben Taleb in the Moorish tongue.

John rightly guesses that the guide is relating the facts concerning
their reaching the house, and that he fears they may be attacked, if
they leave by the same way they entered.

The old Moor smiles, and after answering, turns to the young man from

"There is another way of leaving this place, and one of my slaves will
show you. They shall not harm one who comes to see Ben Taleb, if it can
be prevented."

Then comes the ceremonious leave-taking, and John manages to get through
this with credit. He has undoubtedly made a deep impression on the
Moorish beauty, who, catching the crumbs falling from her father's table
of knowledge, has aspirations above being the wife of a Moor, who may
also have a harem.

At last they start off, with the slave in the lead, and after passing
through several rooms, which John views with interest, arrive at a wall.

Acting under the advice of his guide, John has assumed the burnoose
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