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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 155 of 258 (60%)
So he enters into the discussion with assumed vigor, being magnetized
now by the blue eyes of Lady Ruth.

They ask the advice of Mustapha Cadi, and he promises to show them many
queer sights before the sun sinks behind the hills and the boom of the
gun in the fortress announces the close of another day.

Thus, all of them prepare for a day's outing, and Lady Ruth looks quite
charming in her jaunty costume, especially suited for such business.

John no longer remembers the dazzling beauty of the Moorish girl who
sat at the feet of old Ben Taleb on the preceding night; it could not
compare with the vivacious intelligence of an educated girl coming from
the countries beyond the seas.

First of all they mount the terraces of Mustapha Superieur and enjoy
the magnificent view of the city and harbor. Many modern yachts lie
upon the blue waters, side by side with strange vessels peculiar to the
Mediterranean, while the incoming steamer from Oran is just entering the

Upon this ridge above the city lie numerous palatial residences now
occupied by French and English families, but which were once owned by
the pirate kings of Algiers, whose names may often be found upon the
gate post, cut in letters of gold.

From this eyrie they scanned the sea with their glasses, and the
appearance of a sail in the dim distance would be the signal for a mad
chase to see which piratical felucca could first overhaul the stranger.

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