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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 162 of 258 (62%)
usually vociferous voice seems to have been utterly hushed.

"Oh! is she dead?" exclaims the young girl, with horror in her voice, as
Doctor Chicago and the professor carry Aunt Gwen out.

"I trust not. I think she has only fainted. Can you lift one of the
cushions from the wreck, Lady Ruth, and we will place her upon it here."

She shows immediate animation instead of going into hysterics, as many
girls would do under the circumstances, and flies to assist to the
extent of her ability.

Thus Aunt Gwen is soon in a comfortable position, and the doctor starts
to bring her to, for he believes she has only swooned.

This he soon accomplishes, and when she is able to declare that she is
not in pain, only badly broken up by the shock, he feels that it is time
he turned his attention to another quarter.

They are in a bad fix, wrecked several miles from their destination.

Darkness has now set in.

John rises from his knees and takes in the situation. It is evident that
something must be done in order that they may be rescued from their
unpleasant position.

Where are Mustapha and the driver? Both of them have utterly vanished in
the most mysterious manner. Who, then, will mount one of the panting
horses and ride back to Birkadeen for succor?
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