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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 167 of 258 (64%)
This is not very pleasant intelligence, but John is now engaged in
trying to pierce the gloom, and believes he sees some object that may
prove to be the wrecked stage.

He sings out with a hail:

"Ah, there, professor!"

Not a reply; only what seems to be an echo is flung back from the

Then John's heart stands still with a sudden fear, as he imagines that
some terrible thing has occurred. He raises his voice and calls upon
Philander. When there comes no reply to this, he makes use of Sir
Lionel's name and bellows it forth until the valley seems to ring with
the sound. Still hopeless, for no answer bids him drop his fears.

Now the fact is assured that something serious has happened.

John jumps to the ground, desirous of seeing whether they have actually
reached the spot where the wrecked omnibus lies.

He finds it to be true, and in another moment is standing upon the very
place where Aunt Gwen reclined at the time of his departure.

There is much room for speculation. Any one of half a dozen things might
have happened, for to one who is utterly in the dark, there is no end of

What can he do?
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