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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 186 of 258 (72%)
times gone by distinguished our American Indians.

The signs of the desert and mountains are like an open book to him, and
he is quite at home in an undertaking of this sort, a mission requiring
energy and daring, as well as caution.

So, without much apparent trouble, he leads the young Chicagoan along.
Sometimes the way is difficult, indeed, impossible in John's eyes, but
the Arab knows the secret, and finds a passage where none appears to

Thus they advance for nearly an hour. John imagines they have gone
farther than is the case. This is on account of the rough ground.

"Now, caution. We draw near the place. They will be on the watch.
Monsieur knows what discovery means."

"Yes--death. That is understood, but it does not prevent me from
desiring to advance. Still we will redouble our caution."

They see lights. These appear to come from openings in the hill,
doubtless mouths of the deserted mines, which the robber band of Bab
Azoun occupy temporarily, with their accustomed boldness.

Drawing still nearer, under Mustapha's clever guidance, they discover
that the main body of the robbers are encamped in the largest cavern,
and as it seems natural that they would bring their prisoners here, the
two men devote their time toward looking up that quarter.

The Arab courier has played as a boy in these old mines, and knows all
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