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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 197 of 258 (76%)
one hand. His usual coolness and _sang froid_ are gone--Sir Lionel is
actually excited. It is not every day that even a veteran of the Cape
wars is given a chance to thus immortalize himself after the manner of

"My dear Lady Ruth, the way is clear. We must fly before the rest of
the rascals appear. Perhaps we may be fortunate enough to find horses
outside, then a hot dash and the city will be gained. Permit me to
assist you."

The girl springs up, ready to accept the chance a kind fate has thrown
in her way, and with a startled, curious glance at the piles of slain
that incumber the cavern, follows her friends.



These strange events have occurred with great rapidity, and yet, of
course, they have taken some little time.

It would seem as though the remainder of Bab Azoun's band, if anywhere
in the vicinity, might by this time have arrived on the spot, but they
do not show up, which fact is a fortunate one for them, though it takes
away from the luster of Sir Lionel's fame.

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