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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 20 of 258 (07%)
her breast.

That is the mother of the child.

They rush to the spot, some to congratulate the youth who slew the dog,
others to gaze upon the horrible spectacle the animal presents as he
lies there devoid of life.

Lady Ruth comes with the rest, and upon her fair face and in her sunny
eyes can be seen a warmth of keenest admiration, such as poor Blunt
failed to receive when he leaned far over the dizzy precipice to secure
the flower Miss Caprice desired.

"Oh, doctor, how noble of you! I shall never forgive myself for the
foolish blunder I made. See! these people look upon you as a hero, for
you risked your life for a child of Malta. I am proud to be known as
your friend."

Her looks as well as her words are enough to send any man into the
seventh heaven of delight.

John Craig is very white; a set look is upon his face, but he smiles a

"I am glad the little fellow was not touched."

"And you?" she gasps, a sudden fear arising.

He slowly unwinds the coat which was thrust into the mad dog's mouth,
and then rolls up his shirt-sleeve, to disclose to her horrified eyes
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