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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 24 of 258 (09%)
seared upon his white arm.

Seeing the blanched face of Lady Ruth, and the anxious countenances of
the others near-by, the doctor, who has recovered from the shock, smiles
in a reassuring way.

"I am sorry you saw this; I didn't intend you should. Let us go to the
hotel!" he says, slipping a coin in the hand of the honest smith, who
seems loth to accept it.

Then the party continue down in the direction of the hotel, where they
stop while the steamer undergoes repairs.

"Colonel Blunt, will you do me the favor to come to my room? I want to
put a small bandage with iodoform on the burn," he says aside, but Lady
Ruth hears it.

"Colonel Blunt, indeed! What sort of trained nurse do you suppose he
would make? I have had experience--you may smile if you like. Tell the
colonel where to find your box of liniments and bandages, and bring it
to me."

"But, my dear Lady--"

"Not a word, doctor. I shall esteem it an honor; and what I lack in
scientific knowledge my aunt can supply."

This clinches the matter, and John can offer no further argument against
her wish; so Blunt, the Royal Engineer officer, is sent after the
doctor's case, which errand he performs willingly enough, for although
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