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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
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The top part of this is used for a purse, or forms a receptacle for any
small articles the wearer desires to carry.

A short, loose pantaloon, to the knee, which leaves the lower leg bare,
is confined at the waist by a girdle or sash of colored cotton or silk.
Then there is worn a cotton shirt, with a short, loose vest, or
waistcoat, as they were formerly known, covering the same; the latter
often ornamented with rows of silver buttons, quarter-dollars, or
English shillings.

As to the ladies of Malta, their costume is very odd, and reminds one
somewhat of Spain. In part, it consists of a black silk petticoat, bound
round the waist, over a body of some other kind of silk or print which
is called the _half onuella_. The upper part, the _onuella_, of the same
material, is drawn into neat gathers for the length of a foot about the
center of one of the outer seams. In the seam of one of the remaining
divisions is inclosed a piece of whalebone, which is drawn over the
head, and forms a perfect arch, leaving the head and neck bare.

As may be expected, it requires much practice to wear such a dress
gracefully. Many of the best ladies of Valetta now get their fashions
direct from Paris--so the world moves.

The little party of tourists have ascended the hill for the purpose of
obtaining the glorious view referred to, and at the same time whiling
away a few hours of time, for their stay at the Island of Malta has not
been of their choosing, a peculiar accident causing the steamer on which
they were taking passage to put in here for some necessary repairs.

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