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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
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the rod."

No signature, only a mark like a tear-drop.

"Now you realize my position; you can, in a measure, understand the
peculiar mingling of love, reverence, and pity with which I think of
this mother, and how the thought of her enters into every act of mine."

"Yes, yes, I do indeed," sympathetically.

"I have sworn to find her--to let her know there is one who loves the
poor exile. Let my father rage if he will, my heart burns to meet her.
I will proceed. This letter was postmarked Malta, here at Valetta."

"But you did not mention--"

"I knew the steamer would stop a few hours at least, and thought that
might be enough in which to learn the truth. Strange things have
happened since we landed. I have learned several facts which astound me.

"You saw a man come in and draw me aside? That man controls the
destinies of these people of Valetta, even as a chief of police would in
our cities. When first I landed I sought the presence of Luther Keene--"

"There--your mention of his name revives my recollection like a flash.
Now I know just when and where I met that man," she says.

"He promised to assist me, for a consideration, of course, and was
especially delighted at the chance to prove that even out here in Malta
there might be a second Vidocq.
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