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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 45 of 258 (17%)
a service."

"I am positive it was she. Wait--perhaps I can prove it. I noticed she
had a medallion secured around her neck with a guard, and once I was
enabled to see the face upon it. It was that of a man."

"Oh! describe it if you can."

"The gentleman, I should judge, was about twenty-three. He wore a
mustache and small side whiskers. I judged he was English. His hair was
light and inclined to be curly."

John Craig smiles.

"Ah! the last doubt has been swept away."

"You recognize this picture, then?"

"Yes; your description answers for my father when he was a young man. I
have not the slightest doubt that it was the one I seek who rendered you
this service. And she a Sister of Charity! I don't understand."

"Your story has interested me deeply, doctor. You have my most sincere
wishes for success; and if I can in any way assist you, don't hesitate
to call upon me."

"I believe you mean every word of it, and from my heart I thank you. I
must leave you now, to seek the house in the Strada Mezzodi--the house
that may reveal much or little."

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