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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 56 of 258 (21%)

"Great guns!" mutters Philander, "it's a great piece of luck there's no
grave-yard near."

"How's that?" demands his companion.

"Well, that clang would arouse the dead," is the amazing reply.

Further conversation is cut short by the sound of footsteps within--a
bolt is withdrawn, proving that the inmates of the house on the Strada
Mezzodi do not have the Maltese sense of honor that makes the presence
of locks and bars unnecessary.

Then the door is opened.

The red lantern gives a light that shows them the interior of this
Valetta house, and in the brilliant illumination stands a man, a native
Maltese servant.

John has arranged his plan of action in such an event. He hopes the man
who opens the door may talk English.

"Good evening," he says, courteously.

The man returns the salutation gravely.

"I would see the gentleman of the house on business of importance."

"Are you Doctor Craig?"

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