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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 58 of 258 (22%)
It is necessary that he accompany me. Enter, professor."

His assurance carries the day; the man backs down and allows Philander
a passage.

Their first point is gained.

The servant having closed and barred the door and asked them to follow,
goes on ahead. The professor takes advantage of the opportunity
presented, and plucks John's sleeve, and as that worthy bends down,
he whispers:

"Have you noticed it?"

"What?" asks the young doctor.

"His style of address, my boy; same words exactly that were used at the
hotel by the man who brought you the news."

"Jove! you are right, professor. I imagine that must be the formal style
in this country."

Philander chuckles.

"You'll have to guess closer to the mark than that, my boy, when you
want to strike the truth."

"What can you mean, sir?"

"Bless you, it's the same man. Notice his walk; doesn't he hold himself
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