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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 62 of 258 (24%)

"Tell me, is she here now?" holding his breath with suspense.

"Oh! no, she went away several weeks ago. We shall not see her again
unless she chances to be one of three lay delegates now on their way
here from a sister sanctuary."

"Then you can give me hope; let me know where I may find her?"

"If I see my duty in that way, Doctor Craig," is the astonishing reply
he receives.

He conceives the idea what this may mean.

"Madame, I am ready to do what I can for the good of your order if you
will bring about this long anticipated meeting."

"Your word shall be your bond. We need five hundred dollars to endow
another bed in the hospital at Rome."

"It shall be yours; I swear it."

"Hush, impious man! Your word is enough. On my part I promise that ere
an hour goes by you shall be in a fair way to look upon the face of one
who loves you more dearly than if you had never been lost to her."

John hears and believes; he is not suspicious enough to put a double
meaning upon the words.

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