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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 73 of 258 (28%)
defend himself. As to his bravery who can question it after his action
of the afternoon?

"Does it take three to show me to the door? With your permission I will

"Not yet Doctor Chicago--not yet."

"Ha! you would attempt violence. Well, I'm ready to meet these fellows,
thanks to the forethought that caused me to arm myself before starting
on this quixotic errand to-night."

The young Chicagoan throws a hand back, meaning to draw the little
pocket revolver which has more than once served him well, but, to his
dismay, it is gone.

He sees a derisive smile upon the features of Pauline, and knows she has
taken it while he lay there unconscious on the couch.

"I was afraid you might do yourself damage, John. If you are wise you
will submit tamely," she says, and clapping her hands again sets the
three men upon him.

Craig is no Hercules in build, and besides, his left arm is in rather
a poor condition for warfare, being exceedingly sore.

Still he is not the one to submit tamely so long as a single chance
remains, and for the space of a minute there is a lively scene in the
oriental apartment, in which divans are overturned, men swinging
desperately around, and even Pauline Potter, accustomed to stage battles
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