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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 76 of 258 (29%)

Surrounded by gloom, how will he find out the nature of his prison?

He endeavors to penetrate the darkness--a trace of light finds an
entrance under the door and relieves the somber blank. It does more, for
all at once John's eyes discover something that rivets his attention.

There are two of them--eyes that gleam in the darkness like those of a
great cat.

A thrill sweeps over the doctor; can it be possible they have shut him
in here with some great fierce animal that will tear him limb from limb?
Is this Pauline Potter's dramatic revenge?

Who can blame him for a sudden quaking in the region of his heart--such
a fate is too terrible to calmly contemplate; but this qualm is only
momentary, and then Doctor Chicago is himself again, brave and



He begins to reason, to strain his mind in search of all the things he
ever heard with relation to a meeting between unarmed men and wild
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