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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 9 of 258 (03%)

The English girl is sorry as soon as the low word leaves her lips. No
one hears it but the young doctor, for the attention of all the others
is at that time directed elsewhere.

This time the object of her scorn does not flush, but turns very white,
as he looks her steadily in the eyes.

"I am sorry you have such a poor opinion of me, Lady Ruth. I make no
apologies, save the one that my life is too valuable--to others, to
myself--to throw it away at the mere caprice of a girl."

"There is a gentleman who finds a way to accomplish what he wants. Take
a lesson from him, Doctor Chicago," she says.

Colonel Lionel has noticed a long pole near by, in the end of which is a
cleft. This he has secured, and, by crawling as far as is safe along the
face of the rock, he is enabled to just reach the flower.

After a number of ineffectual lunges he succeeds in clutching the
coveted article in the cleft of the pole, and draws it toward him.

A moment later he presents the flower to Lady Ruth, with a smile and a

"No English lady ever expressed a wish that a British officer did not
feel bound in honor to grant," he says.

The girl thanks him, and then says:

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