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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 90 of 258 (34%)

The shouts have continued all this while, proving that the citizens of
Valetta have steadfastly pursued them with some dark purpose in view.

Just as soon as Philander Sharpe makes this discovery, his action is one
that proves him a hero.

He stops in his tracks, and no longer keeps up his flight.

"Turn the other way, boys! At 'em like thunder! As Sheridan said at
Cedar Creek: 'We'll lick 'em out of their boots,'" is the astonishing
cry he sends forth, as he begins to travel over the back trail.

This speedily brings him upon the scene of action. Several dark figures
have come to a halt around a prostrate object. They are the men of
Valetta, who have organized this secret vendetta against all foreigners.

It is easy to understand why they thus halt. John Craig is the
recumbent, struggling figure on the roadway; John Craig, who has
possibly been lassoed by some expert among the pursuers, and who kicks
with the vim and energy of a free American citizen.

This Philander understands instantly, and also comprehending that he
must do something very speedily, throws himself into the midst of the
dusky Maltese thugs.

The advent of a wild-cat could not produce more astonishment and
consternation than this sudden coming of the energetic little man.

He accompanies his assault with the most energetic movements of both
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