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Miss Caprice by St. George Rathborne
page 94 of 258 (36%)

"She'll never rest content now until she discovers it," says Philander,

"Then make a clean breast. I give you permission to speak of my affairs,


"Somehow I'd rather not have Lady Ruth know about Pauline Potter, and
the foolish whim that causes her to pursue me."

At this Philander chuckles, being able to see through a millstone with a
hole in it.

"I'll warn Gwendolin, then. She entertains a warm feeling for you,
John--always has since making your acquaintance; and after the event of
to-day, or rather yesterday, since it is past the witching hour of
midnight, she is ready to do anything for you."

"Well, good-night, professor," with a warm shake of the hand, for what
they have passed through in common to-night will make these two the best
of friends.

When John Craig finds himself alone, he does not at once retire to
his small room. Sleep is one of the last things he thinks of just at
present, his mind has been so wrought up by the events of the night.

The hotel remains open. It is not customary, for there are no late
trains to come in at Valetta, and the people keep early hours, as a
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