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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 47, September 30, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
page 12 of 26 (46%)
Mullah had ordered his followers to go back to their homes, and had
disbanded his forces because of the refusal of the Mohmands to join him.

It is true that the Mohmands have not risen, and that the British have
little or no fear that they mean to make trouble; but the Afridis are
just as troublesome as ever.

They have now been joined by a new tribe called the Orakzais. If these
people are as terrible as their name, they must be an unpleasant enemy.

The news comes from the hills that these two tribes now represent a
force of forty-seven thousand men, and that they are advancing on the
Samana Hills, where the British have a number of small forts.

The tribesmen apparently intend to attack and demolish these forts.

Some brave fighting is being done in these hills. One of the forts was
attacked by a body of Orakzais, one thousand strong. Its garrison
consisted of twenty native soldiers, who defended themselves with
wonderful heroism for a period of six hours.

One of these men whose duty it was to signal to the other forts remained
at his post until the fort was captured. In spite of the bullets that
were whistling around him, he continued sending his messages of warning
until he was overcome by the enemy.

Another had been told off to defend the guard-room of the fort. He
remained at his post, killing twenty of the enemy before he was shot
down himself.

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