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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 47, September 30, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
page 22 of 26 (84%)
with him full instructions to guide him in this difficult matter.

* * * * *

The next mail from Hawaii is being most anxiously waited for. It is
expected that it will bring word what action the Hawaiian Congress has
taken in regard to the annexation treaty.

The Legislature of the islands was called to assemble on September 8th,
and the first matter to be brought before the law-makers was to be that
of annexation.

While the United States have been invited by the Hawaiian Government to
annex the islands, the voice of the people has not yet been heard. The
decision of the Congress of the Sandwich Islands will therefore be
eagerly looked for.

Some members of our Senate are of the opinion that the people of the
islands are not really desirous of being annexed to the United States
but if the representatives of the people vote for the measure, it will
remove all such doubts from their minds, and greatly help the matter in
its journey through our Legislature.

Mr. Thurston, the Hawaiian Minister to the United States, asserts
positively that the Congress will decide for annexation.

He says that just before the Legislature in Honolulu adjourned, a joint
resolution was offered, declaring that the interests of Hawaii demanded
that she should be joined to the United States.

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