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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 47, September 30, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
page 25 of 26 (96%)
found that the bullet had pierced through the first thickness of the
cloth, but had become flattened out against the rest.

When the bullet was removed from the cloth it was said to have looked
like a mushroom, the end that had first touched the cloth being

The experiments were continued at shorter and shorter range, but the
cloth was never quite pierced through.

The military men who witnessed the trial were amazed at the results.

Colonel Hall, who conducted the experiments, said that he thought that
the cloth might perhaps be penetrated at a distance of fifty yards, but
even so, there was no doubt that it would afford immense protection for
soldiers engaged in actual warfare.

The material of which the cloth is made is a secret. Father Casimir will
only say that it is made of silk. He keeps it so closely covered that no
one has had an opportunity of examining it.

He evidently has the most absolute faith in the qualities of his
invention, for he is anxious that the authorities of Governor's Island,
New York, shall make a test of his invention, and offers, to envelope
himself in the cloth and let the soldiers fire at him.

He wishes to sail for Europe and give exhibitions of his invention in
various cities.

If the Governor's Island test takes place, regular army rifles are to be
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