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The Definite Object - A Romance of New York by Jeffery Farnol
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X Tells How Mr. Ravenslee Went into Trade
XI Antagonism is Born and War Declared
XII Containing Some Description of a Supper Party
XIII Wherein may be Found Some Particulars of the Beautiful City of
XIV Of a Text, a Letter, and a Song
XV Which Introduces Joe and the Old Un
XVI Of the First and Second Persons, Singular Number
XVII How Geoffrey Ravenslee Made a Deal in Real Estate
XVIII How Spike Hearkened to Poisonous Suggestion and Soapy Began to
XIX In which the Poison Begins to Work
XX Of an Expedition by Night
XXI How M'Ginnis Threatened and--Went
XXII Tells of an Early Morning Visit and a Warning
XXIII Chiefly Concerning a Letter
XXIV How the Old Un and Certain Others had Tea
XXV How Spike Made a Choice and a Promise
XXVI Which Makes Further Mention of a Ring
XXVII Mrs. Trapes Upon the Millennium
XXVIII Which should have Related Details of a Wedding
XXIX In which Hermione Makes a Fateful Decision
XXX How Geoffrey Ravenslee Departed from Hell's Kitchen
XXXI In which Soapy Takes a Hand
XXXII Of Harmony and Discord
XXXIII Of Tragedy
XXXIV Of Remorse
XXXV How Geoffrey Ravenslee Came Out of the Dark
XXXVI Concerning a Clew
XXXVII The Woes of Mr. Brimberly
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