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The Pursuit of the House-Boat - Being Some Further Account of the Divers Doings of the Associated Shades, under the Leadership of Sherlock Holmes, Esq. by John Kendrick Bangs
page 107 of 127 (84%)
and it was unanimously adopted; but what it was we shall have to wait for
another chapter to learn.



When Captain Holmes arrived upon deck he seized his glass, and, gazing
intently through it for a moment, perceived that the faithful Shem had not
deceived him. Flying at half-mast from a rude, roughly hewn pole set upon
a rocky height was the black flag, emblem of piracy, and, as Artemus Ward
put it, "with the second joints reversed." It was in very truth a signal
of distress.

"I make it a point never to be surprised," observed Holmes, as he peered
through the glass, "but this beats me. I didn't know there was an island
of this nature in these latitudes. Blackstone, go below and pipe Captain
Cook on deck. Perhaps he knows what island that is."

"You'll have to excuse me, Captain Holmes," replied the Judge. "I didn't
ship on this voyage as a cabin-boy or a messenger-boy. Therefore I--"

"Bonaparte, put the Judge in irons," interrupted Holmes, sternly. "I
expect to be obeyed, Judge Blackstone, whether you shipped as a Lord
Chief-Justice or a state-room steward. When I issue an order it must be
obeyed. Step lively there, Bonaparte. Get his honor ironed and summon your
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