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The Pursuit of the House-Boat - Being Some Further Account of the Divers Doings of the Associated Shades, under the Leadership of Sherlock Holmes, Esq. by John Kendrick Bangs
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championship of any kind. What we do want is to get our wives back. The
Captain hasn't taken more than half of mine along with him, but I am
interested none the less. The Queen of Sheba is on board, and I am
somewhat interested in her fate. So I ask you what earthly or unearthly
use there is in discussing this question of speed in the House-boat. It
strikes me as a woful waste of time, and rather unprecedented too, that we
should suspend all rules and listen to the talk of an entire stranger."


"I do not venture to doubt the wisdom of Solomon," said Johnson, dryly,
"but I must say that the gentleman's remarks rather interest me."

"Of course they do," ejaculated Solomon. "He agreed with you. That ought
to make him interesting to everybody. Freaks usually are."

"That is not the reason at all," retorted Dr. Johnson. "Cold water agrees
with me, but it doesn't interest me. What I do think, however, is that our
unknown friend seems to have a grasp on the situation by which we are
confronted, and he's going at the matter in hand in a very comprehensive
fashion. I move, therefore, that Solomon be laid on the table, and that
the privileges of the--ah--of the wharf be extended indefinitely to our
friend on the string-piece."

The motion, having been seconded, was duly carried, and the stranger

"I will explain for the benefit of his Majesty King Solomon, whose wisdom
I have always admired, and whose endurance as the husband of three hundred
wives has filled me with wonder," he said, "that before starting in
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