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The Pursuit of the House-Boat - Being Some Further Account of the Divers Doings of the Associated Shades, under the Leadership of Sherlock Holmes, Esq. by John Kendrick Bangs
page 42 of 127 (33%)
| Marks. |
| Dinners with conversation on the |
| Theory of Music ................. 500 |
| Dinners with conversation on the |
| Theory of Music, illustrated .... 750 |
| Dinners without any conversation .. 300 |
| Receptions, public, with music .... 1000 |
| " private, " ...... 750 |
| Encores (single) .................. 100 |
| Three encores for ................. 150 |
| Autographs ........................ 10 |
| |
| Positively no Invitations for Five-o'Clock |
| Teas or Morning Musicales considered. |

"Well, I declare!" tittered Elizabeth, as she read. "Isn't that
extraordinary? He's got the three-name craze, too!"

"It's perfectly ridiculous," said Cleopatra. "But it's fairer than Artemus
Ward's plan. Mozart gives notice of his intentions to charge you; but with
Ward it's different. He comes, and afterwards sends a bill for his fun.
Why, only last week I got a 'quarterly statement' from him showing a
charge against me of thirty-eight dollars for humorous remarks made to my
guests at a little chafing-dish party I gave in honor of Balzac, and,
worst of all, he had marked it 'Please remit.' Even Antony, when he wrote
a sonnet to my eyebrow, wouldn't let me have it until he had heard whether
or not Boswell wanted it for publication in the _Gossip_. With Rubens
giving chalk-talks for pay, Phidias doing 'Five-minute Masterpieces in
Putty' for suburban lyceums, and all the illustrious in other lines
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