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The Pursuit of the House-Boat - Being Some Further Account of the Divers Doings of the Associated Shades, under the Leadership of Sherlock Holmes, Esq. by John Kendrick Bangs
page 48 of 127 (37%)

"Here's a kettle of fish!" said Kidd, pulling his chin whisker in
perplexity as he and his fellow-pirates gathered about the capstan to
discuss the situation. "I'm blessed if in all my experience I ever sailed
athwart anything like it afore! Pirating with a lot of low-down ruffians
like you gentlemen is bad enough, but on a craft loaded to the water's
edge with advanced women--I've half a mind to turn back."

[Illustration: "'HERE'S A KETTLE OF FISH,' SAID KIDD"]

"If you do, you swim--we'll not turn back with you," retorted Abeuchapeta,
whom, in honor of his prowess, Kidd had appointed executive officer of the
House-boat. "I have no desire to be mutinous, Captain Kidd, but I have not
embarked upon this enterprise for a pleasure sail down the Styx. I am out
for business. If you had thirty thousand women on board, still should I
not turn back."

"But what shall we do with 'em?" pleaded Kidd. "Where can we go without
attracting attention? Who's going to feed 'em? Who's going to dress 'em?
Who's going to keep 'em in bonnets? You don't know anything about these
creatures, my dear Abeuchapeta; and, by-the-way, can't we arbitrate that
name of yours? It would be fearful to remember in the excitement of a

"Call him Ab," suggested Sir Henry Morgan, with an ill-concealed sneer,
for he was deeply jealous of Abeuchapeta's preferral.

"If you do I'll call you Morgue, and change your appearance to fit,"
retorted Abeuchapeta, angrily.
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