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Diane of the Green Van by Leona Dalrymple
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"_In Arcadie, the Land of Hearte's Desire,
Lette us linger whiles with Luveres fond;
A sparklynge Comedie they playe--with Fire--
Unwyttynge Fate stands waytynge with hir Wande._"

Diane of the Green Van was awarded the $10,000.00 prize in a novel
contest in which over five hundred manuscripts were submitted.

[Frontispiece: "Excellency, as a gentleman who is not a coward, it
behooves you to explain!"]



I Of a Great White Bird Upon a Lake
II An Indoor Tempest
III A Whim
IV The Voice of the Open Country
V The Phantom that Rose from the Bottle
VI Baron Tregar
VII Themar
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