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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 152, June 27, 1917 by Various
page 4 of 62 (06%)
inhabitants, if any.

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Judging by the latest reports the Stockholm Conference is like the gun that
they didn't know was loaded.

* * *

Because his wife accused him of not loving her, a farmer of Husavik,
Manitoba, assaulted her with a pen-knife just to show that he did.

* * *

Special "storm troops"--men picked for their youth, vigour and daring, to
carry out counter-attacks--are now a feature of the German Armies. Even our
ordinary British soldiers, who are constantly compelled to take these brave
fellows prisoners, bear witness to the ferocity of their appearance.

* * *

Taxes on watering-places, it is announced, will be a feature of the new
French Budget. It is feared that this will bear hardly on breweries and

* * *

We are not permitted to publish the name of the Foreign Office official who
strolled into a Piccadilly Bar last week and ordered a Clam-Martinic
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