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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 54, November 18, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
page 10 of 31 (32%)

It is said that one of the first measures to be taken by General Blanco
will be to suppress the barbarous decree made by Weyler which drove the
country people away from their homes, and forced them to herd and starve
in the cities.

These unfortunate people are now to be turned loose again, and given the
right to go back to their homes and their farms.

This seems a very humane thing to do, but it will hardly bring the
Spaniards the popularity they expect.

Since Weyler drove the peasants into the cities their lands and farms
have been laid waste, their houses burned, their cattle stolen. They
will be turned out of the cities penniless and homeless, and exchange
the certainty of dying of hunger in the crowded city for the equal
certainty of dying of hunger in the desolate wasted country.

Added to this, it is uncertain whether General Blanco can induce the
country folks to leave the cities unless he drives them out at the point
of the bayonet.

You probably remember our telling you that when first these people were
forced into the cities, and began to feel the pangs of hunger, they
begged the authorities to give them permission to go back to their
farms, and gather in the crops that were rotting in the fields, that
they might have food to save themselves from starving.

You will also remember that permission was given some of these poor
fellows, and that they started out full of energy and hope, only to be
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