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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 54, November 18, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
page 5 of 31 (16%)

At the funeral services which were held later, many ministers of
different sects and religions combined in the praise of the great and
good man who had passed away in the act of doing his duty.

* * * * *

The establishing of Home Rule in Cuba does not seem as near as the
Spaniards would have us believe. An official who understands the ins and
outs of Spanish policy declares that it will be fully a year before the
proposed reforms can be put into working order.

At the present moment there is a general election taking place in Spain,
and until this is settled nothing will be done in regard to Cuban

As soon as the elections are over, the Colonial Minister will prepare
the bill which will give Home Rule to Cuba. The bill will then be sent
to the Cortes, where it must be discussed by both the Upper and Lower
Houses before it can become a law. It may take many months before the
members can agree on such an important measure as this will be.

When it has finally passed the Cortes, it must be sent to the Queen, who
will look it over at her leisure, and sign it if she thinks fit.

Even after her signature is affixed the Cortes has the power to lay the
measure aside and prevent its ever becoming a law.

It is therefore hinted in Cuba that the offers of reform may after all
mean nothing but an endeavor to gain time, and prevent the United States
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