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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 56, December 2, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
page 11 of 31 (35%)
a manly, direct way of going about their business which gains the
desired point every time.

Serious trouble is not anticipated with Haiti; it is really too small a
place to be able to oppose a great country like Germany. If she does not
speedily obey the wishes of the German government, a taste of the
war-ship's big guns will soon bring her to her senses.

* * * * *

Nansen, the Arctic explorer, is in this country, and it will interest
you to know that he fully believes that Andrée is all right, and will
return safely in due course of time.

Of all men Fridjiof Nansen is best able to form an opinion as to the
likelihood of Professor Andrée ever returning to us, for he himself has
penetrated farther north than any other Arctic explorer, and has learned
so much about the Polar Sea that he is able to form a good opinion as to
the possibilities of Andrée's success.

Nansen returned from his famous voyage before THE GREAT ROUND WORLD came
into existence, and so you might perhaps like to have us tell you about

He is a young Norwegian, only thirty-six years old; very young to have
made such a great record.

At the age of nineteen he entered the University of Christiania and
devoted himself to the study of zoölogy, or the science of animals and
animal life, from man to the lowest form of life.
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