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The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 21 of 55 - 1624 - Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing by Various
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Holiness Pius V, despatched in Roma, March twenty-four, one thousand
five hundred and sixty-seven, in which, notwithstanding the ordinance
of the holy council of Trent, authority is given to the religious who
are occupied in the conversion of, and preaching to, the Indians,
to perform the office of curas and administer the holy sacraments,
with subordination to the superiors of their order, and exemption
from the bishops and ordinary judges--accordingly the said my order
receives violence and injury from your Lordship's endeavor. [17]

I petition and entreat you, in observance of the ordinance of his
Holiness, to preserve the said ministers and the said my order in their
exemption and privileges; if this be not done, I protest that I shall
make use of the other powers conceded to my order by the apostolic see,
and the remedies that belong to it by law. I petition justice, etc.

_Fray Christoval de Santa Ana_, commissary-visitor.

... His Lordship having seen the said petition and having noted the
brief of his Holiness and its contents, declared: That besides that
the said brief is revoked by a _motu proprio_ of his Holiness Gregory
XIII, under date of Roma, on the kalends of March, of the year five
hundred and seventy-three, by which are revoked all concessions and
privileges that his Holiness Pius V conceded to the religious of the
mendicant orders, reducing them to the terms of the law and of the holy
council of Trent, even in case that the brief of his Holiness Pius
V, which has been read, is not comprehended in the said revocation,
his Holiness Pius V did not make any innovation in the rulings of
the holy council in regard to the religious who administer souls
being immediately subject as far as such ministers are concerned,
and in everything that pertains to the administration of sacraments,
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