The American Missionary — Volume 50, No. 8, August, 1896 by Various
page 15 of 121 (12%)
page 15 of 121 (12%)
people." We are nearly 2,000 feet above the level of the sea, so the air
is pure and healthful. A spicy fragrance fills the air, blown down from the pines that crown the hills. Deer Lodge has been settled mostly by Northern people. In a religious point of view we are divided into Congregationalists, Methodists, and Baptists, with a few Episcopalians. There is only one church building, however, the Congregationalists'. This is a beautiful little edifice worthy of the growing importance of this interesting field on the Cumberland Plateau. The church has a choice location on Ross Avenue. On April 13, 1889, the corner-stone was laid, and on August 4 of the same year the church was dedicated. The church has good officers and earnest working members. The present membership is forty-one. No hostility is shown toward our church by the members of other churches, but all are united and recognize in every one who loves the Master a fellow-worker in the vineyard of Christ. The present pastor, Rev. G. Lusty, during his residence among us has endeared himself to all. A promising work is being done in the Sabbath-school, and we believe that from it constantly go forth many little rills of influence that are entering the homes and bringing the people a higher and purer life. The Christian Endeavor society is doing a good work among the young people. The prayer-meetings held on Thursday evenings are well attended. The growth of the church has not been rapid, but is steady, and during its history has enjoyed some revivals of religion. Under the direction of the pastor's loyal wife the young people have been gathered into a sewing-school at her home every Saturday afternoon, |