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The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots - 16th Edition by Sutton and Sons
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appear when they are about as large as an egg. Up to this stage they do
not tax the energies of the plants in any great degree; but as the
flowers are forming within them their demands increase rapidly. Their
removal, therefore, has an immediate effect on the main heads, and these
attain to large dimensions without the aid of wire. The small heads will
be valued at many tables for eating raw, as they are eaten in Italy, or
cooked as 'artichauts frits.' The larger main heads are the best for
serving boiled in the usual way. After the heads are used the plants
should be cut down.

==Chards== are the blanched summer growth of Globe Artichokes, and are by
many preferred to blanched Cardoons. In the early part of July the
plants selected for Chards must be cut over about six inches above the
ground. In a few days after this operation they will need a copious
watering, which should be repeated weekly, except when heavy rains
occur. By the end of September the plants will have made much growth and
be ready for blanching. Draw them together, put a band of hay or straw
around them, and earth them up, finishing the work neatly. The blanching
will take fully six weeks, during which time there will be but little
growth made--hence the necessity for promoting free growth before
earthing up. Any Chards not used before winter sets in may be lifted and
preserved by packing in sand in a dry shed.

The Artichoke is hardy on dry soils when the winter is of only average
severity. But on retentive soils, which are most favourable to the
production of fine heads, a severe winter will destroy the plantations
unless they have some kind of protection. The usual course of procedure
is to cut down the stems and large leaves without touching the smaller
central leaves, and, when severe frost appears probable, partially earth
up the rows with soil taken from between; this protection is
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