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Thought-Forms by Annie Wood Besant;C. W. (Charles Webster) Leadbeater
page 9 of 73 (12%)
and produced an impression due to his thought of a drawing he had made
of her on her deathbed. He quite rightly says that the creation of an
object is the passing out of an image from the mind and its subsequent
materialisation, and he seeks the chemical effect caused on silver salts
by this thought-created picture. One striking illustration is that of a
force raying outwards, the projection of an earnest prayer. Another
prayer is seen producing forms like the fronds of a fern, another like
rain pouring upwards, if the phrase may be permitted. A rippled oblong
mass is projected by three persons thinking of their unity in affection.
A young boy sorrowing over and caressing a dead bird is surrounded by a
flood of curved interwoven threads of emotional disturbance. A strong
vortex is formed by a feeling of deep sadness. Looking at this most
interesting and suggestive series, it is clear that in these pictures
that which is obtained is not the thought-image, but the effect caused
in etheric matter by its vibrations, and it is necessary to
clairvoyantly see the thought in order to understand the results
produced. In fact, the illustrations are instructive for what they do
not show directly, as well as for the images that appear.

It may be useful to put before students, a little more plainly than has
hitherto been done, some of the facts in nature which will render more
intelligible the results at which Dr Baraduc is arriving. Necessarily
imperfect these must be, a physical photographic camera and sensitive
plates not being ideal instruments for astral research; but, as will be
seen from the above, they are most interesting and valuable as forming a
link between clairvoyant and physical scientific investigations.

At the present time observers outside the Theosophical Society are
concerning themselves with the fact that emotional changes show their
nature by changes of colour in the cloud-like ovoid, or aura, that
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