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Scientific American Supplement, No. 623, December 10, 1887 by Various
page 2 of 143 (01%)
metallic frame and brick lining--3 illustrations. 9949

The Commercial Exchange, Paris--The new Paris exchange now
in process of erection.--Present state of operations--1
illustration. 9954

II. ASTRONOMY.--The Yale College Measurement of the Pleiades.--
Dr. Elkin's work with the Repsold heliometer at Yale College. 9957

III. CHEMISTRY--New Method for the Quantitative Determination
of Starch.--By A.N. ASBOTH--Determination of starch by its
barium compound. 9956

Synthesis of the Alkaloids--A retrospect of the field of
work so far traveled over by synthetical chemists, and
future prospects. 9956

The Chemical Basis of Plant Forms--By HELEN C. DE S. ABBOTT
--Continuation of this important contribution to plant
chemistry, one of the most valuable of recent chemical
monographs. 9955

IV. ELECTRICITY.--An Electrical Governor--A new apparatus for
preserving a constant electromotive force with varying
dynamo speed--1 illustration. 9952

Electric Launch--A French government launch with Krebs
electric motor. 9954

The electric current as a means of increasing the tractive
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