The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Sankaracarya - Sacred Books of the East, Volume 1 by Unknown
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of the /S/rî-bhâshya, and, as we have seen above, /S/a@nkara's
commentators state that their author's polemical remarks are directed against the V/ri/ttikâra. In addition to Bodhâyana, Râmânuja appeals to quite a series of ancient teachers--pûrvâ/k/âryâs--who carried on the true tradition as to the teaching of the Vedânta and the meaning of the Sûtras. In the Vedârthasa@ngraha--a work composed by Râmânuja himself--we meet in one place with the enumeration of the following authorities: Bodhâyana, /T/a@nka, Drami/d/a, Guhadeva, Kapardin, Bharu/k/i, and quotations from the writings of some of these are not unfrequent in the Vedârthasa@ngraha, as well as the /S/rî-bhâshya. The author most frequently quoted is Drami/d/a, who composed the Drami/d/a-bhâshya; he is sometimes referred to as the bhâshyakâra. Another writer repeatedly quoted as the vâkyakâra is, I am told, to be identified with the /T/a@nka mentioned above. I refrain from inserting in this place the information concerning the relative age of these writers which may be derived from the oral tradition of the Râmânuja sect. From another source, however, we receive an intimation that Drami/d/â/k/ârya or Dravi/d/â/k/ârya preceded /S/a@nkara in point of time. In his /t/îkâ on /S/a@nkara's bhâshya to the Chândogya Upanishad III, 10, 4, Ânandagiri remarks that the attempt made by his author to reconcile the cosmological views of the Upanishad with the teaching of Sm/ri/ti on the same point is a reproduction of the analogous attempt made by the Dravi/d/â/k/ârya. It thus appears that that special interpretation of the Vedânta-sûtras with which the /S/rî-bhâshya makes us acquainted is not due to innovating views on the part of Râmânuja, but had authoritative representatives already at a period anterior to that of /S/a@nkara. This latter point, moreover, receives additional confirmation from the relation in which the so-called Râmânuja sect stands to earlier sects. |