The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Sankaracarya - Sacred Books of the East, Volume 1 by Unknown
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page 44 of 653 (06%)
immediately preceding Sûtra 12 quotes the adhikara/n/a 'ânandamayo s
bhyâsàt' as giving rise to a discussion whether the param or the aparam brahman is meant. Now this latter point is not touched upon at all in that part of the bhâshya which sets forth the former explanation, but only in the subsequent passage, which refutes the former and advocates the latter interpretation.] [Footnote 4: Eva/m/ jij/ñ/anasya brahma/nas/ /ko/tanabhogvabhutaga/d/arupsattvara, istamomayapradhânâd vyâv/ri/ttir uktâ, idânî/m/ karmava/s/vat trigu/n/atmakaprik/ri/u sa/m/sangammittanâmâvidhân intadukhasagaranimajjaonî/s/addhâ/h/. /k/i pratya gaumano nyan nikhilaheyapratauîka/m/ miatimyanandam brahmeti pratipadyate, anandamayo bhyásât.] [Footnote 5: There is no reason to consider the passage 'atra ke/k/it' in /S/a@nkara's bhashya on Sutra 23 an interpolation as Deussen does (p. 30). It simply contains a criticism passed by /S/a@nkara on other commentators.] [Footnote 6: To the passages on pp. 150 and 153 of the Sanskrit text, which Deussen thinks to be interpolations, there likewise applies the remark made in the preceding note.] [Footnote 7: Gîvaysa iva parasyâpi brahma/n/a/h/ /s/arîrantarvaititvam abhyupagata/m/ /k/et tadvad eva /s/arîrasainbandhaprayuktasukhadukhopabhogapraptir hi /k/en na, hetuvai/s/eshyat, na hi /s/arîrântarvartitvam eva sukhadukhopabhogahetu/h/ api tu pu/n/yapàparnpakarmaparavasatva/m/ ta/k/ /K/àpahatapâpmana/h/ parahâtmano na sambhavati.] |