The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Sankaracarya - Sacred Books of the East, Volume 1 by Unknown
page 83 of 653 (12%)
page 83 of 653 (12%)
of qualities emphatically attributed to Brahman, in more than one
passage, having to be set aside in any meditation: 'Na /k/a mâtâpit/ri/sahasrebhyo-pi vatsalatara/m/ sâstra/m/ pratârakavad apâramârthikau nirasanîyau gu/n/au pramâ/n/ântarâpratipannau âdare/n/opadi/s/ya sa/m/sâra/k/akraparivartanena pûrvam eva bambhramyamânân mumukshûn bhûyo-pi bhramayitum alam.'] [Footnote 18: The /S/rî-bhâshya as well as several other commentaries reads tadbhâvabhâvitvât for /S/an@kara's tadbhâvâbhâvitvât.] FOURTH ADHYÂYA. PÂDA I. Adhikara/n/a I (1, 2).--The meditation on the Âtman enjoined by Scripture is not an act to be accomplished once only, but is to be repeated again and again. Adhik. II (3).--The devotee engaged in meditation on Brahman is to view it as constituting his own Self. Adhik. III (4).--To the rule laid down in the preceding adhikara/n/a the so-called pratîkopâsanas, i.e. those meditations in which Brahman is viewed under a symbol or outward manifestation (as, for instance, mano brahmety upâsîta) constitute an exception, i.e. the devotee is not to consider the pratîka as constituting his own Self. Adhik. IV (5).--In the pratîkopâsanas the pratîka is to be meditatively viewed as being one with Brahman, not Brahman as being one with the |