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A Treatise on Simple Counterpoint in Forty Lessons by Friedrich J. Lehmann
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It is a treatise on strict counterpoint, but strict in a limited sense
only. In two-part counterpoint with other than the first species in both
parts, dissonances are permitted under certain conditions, and in three-
and four-part writing the unprepared seventh and ninth, and the six-four
chord, are allowed in certain ways.

While the illustrations have been written in close score, it is
nevertheless urged that all exercises be written out in open score, as the
movement of the different parts is thus more clearly seen.

The use of the C-clefs is left optional with the teacher.

A knowledge of harmony is presupposed, hence nothing is said pertaining to

The author wishes to express his indebtedness to Professor A.E. Heacox for
his help and advice.


OBERLIN, OHIO, _Jan. 6, 1907._


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