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Critical & Historical Essays - Lectures delivered at Columbia University by Edward MacDowell
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Italic text is represented by _underscores_ around the text.

Footnotes in the original text were all marked with asterisks:
I have renumbered these and represented them as [01] through [15].

All other text enclosed between square brackets represents or
describes the illustrations (for which see the HTML edition):

Pitches: [c, ... c ... a b c' (middle-C) d' e' ... c'' ... c''']

Round brackets: when around a single note these represent a note
in the extract which was bracketed or otherwise highlighted.
When around two or more notes, they represent a slur or beam.

Braces: surround simultaneous notes in a chord {a c' e'}


[f++] = F double-sharp
[a+] = A sharp
[c=] = C natural
[e-] = E flat
[d--] = D double-flat

In the main text, accidentals are written out in full, as
[natural], A[flat], G[sharp]. One table uses [#] for [sharp].

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