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Scientific American Supplement, No. 620, November 19,1887 by Various
page 2 of 138 (01%)

II. BIOGRAPHY--Oliver Evans and the Steam Engine.--The work of this
early pioneer, hitherto but slightly recognized at his true
worth as an inventor. 9896

III. CHEMISTRY--The Chemistry of the Cotton Fiber--By Dr. BOWMAN--An
interesting investigation, showing the variation in composition
in different cottons. 9909

Synthesis of Styrolene. 9910

Notes on Saccharin. 9910

Alcohol and Turpentine. 9910

IV. ENGINEERING--Auguste's Endless Stone Saw--A valuable improvement,
introducing the principle of the band saw, and producing a
horizontal cut--10 illustrations. 9896

V. ELECTRICITY.--A Current Meter--The Jehl & Rupp meter for
electricity described--1 illustration. 9903

Mix & Genest's Microphone Telephone--The new telephone recently
adopted by the imperial post office department of Germany--3
illustrations. 9902

Storage Batteries for Electric Locomotion--By A. RECKENZAUN--A
valuable paper on this subject, giving historical facts and
working figures of expense, etc. 9903

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