Brannon's Picture of The Isle of Wight - The Expeditious Traveller's Index to Its Prominent Beauties & Objects of Interest. Compiled Especially with Reference to Those Numerous Visitors Who Can Spare but Two or Three Days to Make the Tour of the Island. by George Brannon
page 8 of 162 (04%)
page 8 of 162 (04%)
for beauty than sublimity, and hence the very appropriate designation of
"THE GARDEN OF ENGLAND!" an emphatic compliment cheerfully paid by the thousands annually visiting its shores for pleasure or for health: and perhaps there is scarcely another spot in the kingdom, of the same narrow limits, which can concentrate more of those qualities that at once charm the eye and animate the soul. Nor should it be overlooked how large a source of interest is derived from the proximity of those two celebrated towns, Southampton and Portsmouth: and the beautiful termination given to most of the open prospects by the retiring distances on the opposite coast. ----"Intermixture sweet, Of lawns and groves, of open and retired, Vales, farms, towns, villas, castles, distant spires. And hills on hills with ambient clouds enrolled, In long succession court the lab'ring sight." But the crowning beauty of the Island is certainly THE SEA! viewed in all the splendor of its various aspects;--whether under the awful grandeur of the agitated and boundless _Ocean_,--as a rapid and magnificent _River_,--or reposing in all the glassy tranquillity of a spacious land-locked _Bay_:--now of a glowing crimson, and now of the purest depth of azure: its bosom ever spangled with a thousand moving and attractive objects of marine life. To those who have never had the opportunity of viewing the sea except under the comparatively dreary aspect which it presents from many unsheltering parts of the southern coast, as for instance Brighton, where almost the only relief to the monotony of the wide expanse is a few clumsy fishing boats or dusky colliers, and occasionally the rolling |